Cosmic Collaboration Coin

Name : Cosmic Collab Coin
Token Symbol : $CCC
Decimals : 18
Limited Supply : 250,000
Public Sale : 21 November 2024
BSC Address : 0x89b921Bf04D1A73020a72aA46f09e59563EeEc97
Token Tax : Buy 7% / Sell 7% / Transfer 7%
3% Reflections
2% Liquidity
1% Marketing
1% Buy and Burns
Reflection Token : Bep20-USDT
Supply : 250,000 $CCC
Burn Supply after Launch : 5% (12,500)
Presale : 15% (37,500)
NFT Rewards:
NFTs belonging to the BSC Collection: New Pigz and Robbers NFTs minted will have 'STAKEOUT' $CCC token rewarding the mints. All NFTs Minted after the Coin launch 21st November 2024, will receive a % of revenue returned in Cosmic Collab Coin, the amount depends on the rarity NFT that is minted
1% from tax is collected in $BNB for the Marketing Wallet, allowing the project to pay for things such as open mics, AMAs and some listings for a wider public eye.
75% of the total Supply was added to Pancake swap and paired with wrapped BNB. This supply was locked with Mudra.Website for 7 years, this can be tracked through their website.
Cosmic Collab Coin has a limited supply and is a deflationary Coin, a project to grow the community, a Cosmic Currency to trade among users and believers, HODL to earn Reflections in $USDT, Compound and increase your Bag. None Financial Advice is given, please do your own research, as a disclaimer there is always a risk of impermanent loss. Pigz Ecosystem is here for the long haul, Founder and Developer since May 20th 2023. Let's take this to the Moon as we prepale through the universe together.

How to Purchase Guide.
Use a DEX wallet, such as SafePal, Trus Wallet, Mets Mask Wallet.
With the use of their browser, connect your wallet safely to Pancake swap
Direct Link to copy and paste or click on.
Contract ($CCC)
Or you can copy and paste the contract $CCC into the Pancake Swap Trade.
You can always Contact me through, tagging me in the Telegram chat @CosmicNomics. Warning. I will never message you first, not will anyone in my team. we are 100% Transparent and discuss anything project related in out Groups. Be careful of scammers imposing to be someone else